
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodyRe: [OT] Ken Rockwell i SUV-y FUT: pl.misc.samochodyRe: [OT] Ken Rockwell i SUV-y FUT: pl.misc.samochody
  • Path:!!not-for-mail
    From: kamil <>
    Newsgroups: pl.misc.samochody
    Subject: Re: [OT] Ken Rockwell i SUV-y FUT: pl.misc.samochody
    Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 10:15:40 +0100
    Organization: "Portal ->"
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    On 21/06/2012 16:01, Uncle Pete wrote:
    >> W tytule strony może tak, w statystykach jakoś już nie widać podziału na
    >> konkretne modele samochodów. Być może to jest prawda, ale nie lubię
    >> takiego manipulowania.
    > Nie w tytule całej strony, popatrz jeszcze raz :)

    10,657 passenger vehicles were involved in fatal rollover crashes.
    (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, or NHTSA)

    Crashes in which a vehicle rolled over accounted for more than half of
    all single-vehicle crash deaths. (NHTSA)

    Vehicle rollover crashes are especially serious because they so often
    result in head injuries. Head trauma is the most frequent type of fatal
    and nonfatal injury in rollovers. (NHTSA)

    The rate of serious injury in passenger vehicle rollover crashes is 36
    percent higher than in crashes where there is no rollover. (NHTSA)

    The high fatality and injury rates are due, in part, to the high
    percentage of rollover crashes in which passengers are ejected from
    their vehicles. Ejections account for 63 percent of all fatalities in
    rollover crashes and often result in costly and debilitating head
    injuries. (NHTSA)

    More than 90 percent of passenger vehicle rollover crashes are
    single-vehicle crashes, and 8,345 of the 10,142 occupant deaths occurred
    in single-vehicle rollover crashes. (NHTSA)

    More than half, 56 percent, of single-vehicle crash deaths resulted from
    rollovers compared with only 11 percent of rollover deaths in all
    multiple-vehicle crashes. (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, or IIHS)

    Co prawda studiowałem kierunek techniczny po angielsku przez 2 lata, ale
    może wciąż znam ten język zbyt słabo i przegapiłem w tym tekście rodzaj
    pojazdu, jaki brał udział w wypadku. "Passenger vehicles" to dość mocno
    naciągana definicja SUVa, a nie tylko takie jeżdżą i dachują w ameryce.


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