
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowamonitor do pracy po ciemkuRe: monitor do pracy po ciemku
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    From: Krzysztof Halasa <>
    Newsgroups: pl.rec.foto.cyfrowa
    Subject: Re: monitor do pracy po ciemku
    Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 20:50:11 +0200
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    XX YY <> writes:

    > szary - sRGB
    > kolor - aRGB

    No fajnie, ale co to właściwie jest?
    Domyślam się tylko że na dole jest czerń, a na górze biel.
    Kształt (rzutu, rzutów) tego obrazka nie wydaje się podobny do znanej
    wszystkim podkowy. Spójrz może na trzeci obrazek.

    Tłumacz google (oryginał z
    mówi tak:

    Color: Adobe RGB
    gray : sRGB

    Adobe RGB vs. sRGB with respect to the pressure, side 4
    (tu raczej chodzi nie o ciśnienie, a o drukowanie).

    Figure 8 shows the ananloge projection and rotation with the Adobe RGB color space
    and the Baryta paper profile , as the Epson 3800 Pro might output :

    Also top left here is to recognize : The shining , printable yellow grows out a
    little from the Abobe RGB color space , but it's also good to see : There is only one
    comparatively small tip that is not printable and also at the bottom right of the
    small body, which almost looks like a spherical section : Green Blue colors that
    would be printable, but not detected by the color space.

    Concluding remarks : Especially in Adobe RGB can be seen that Adobe RGB can represent
    colors that are not printable. These are for the most part more vibrant colors with
    high luminance. Here simply clearly show the limits of paper as a medium. Paper is
    not a light source, no self-luminous . It can only reflect ambient light. But the
    comparisons on the last 4 pages clearly show that there certainly are printable
    colors particularly in yellow and blue / green, which are bad and even by Adobe RGB
    not completely enclosed by sRGB. I recommend everyone to icc - profiles his favorite
    papers to get and then move times with this little freeware tool from Microsoft with
    sRGB and Adobe RGB , these 3- D display in the room. For printing you should choose
    as the working color space (at least) Adobe RGB . Better still, the color space of
    ProPhoto RGB , which encloses ALL printable colors (as RAW photographer you this
    option ) . Pro -Photo RGB is a security not to give through the choice of the working
    color space to printable colors . Unfortunately, ProPhoto RGB is an unrealistically
    large color space , so that distribute the 256 tones of 8bit over a relatively wide
    color range . Therefore, you should always keep in Pro Photo RGB in 16 bit .

    Note: For the pictures that you want to show on the internet , you should convert to
    sRGB , as most browsers are not color management capable. Adobe RGB files would
    generally identified by the " blind profile " Browser interpreted as sRGB files ,
    resulting in flabby skin tones and lifeless yellow. Still catastrophic ProPhoto RGB
    is reproduced from not color-aware programs. So who thinks that overwhelmed him the
    topic and he generally only want to work with a color space that is generally
    canceled (despite the task of qualitative benefits for the pressure) in sRGB better.

    If one , however, has understood color management to deal with white and emphasis on
    high print quality, then the correct working color space compared to sRGB can really
    only Adobe RGB, or even better yet Pro Photo RGB ; because Caution : The road from
    the larger to the smaller color space is always a one-way street ! If a picture once
    profiled by Adobe RGB or Pro Photo RGB " down " according to sRGB , then brings the
    convert back to Adobe RGB , the lost colors not go back.
    Krzysztof Hałasa

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