
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.telefonia.gsmLumia 900 - warto obejrzecRe: Lumia 900 - warto obejrzec
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    From: atm <>
    Newsgroups: pl.misc.telefonia.gsm
    Subject: Re: Lumia 900 - warto obejrzec
    Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 00:05:01 +0200
    Organization: ATMAN - ATM S.A.
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    > Do ekranu z L900 wracając: nie jest tak imponujący jak w L800, bo jest
    > całkiem płaski bez zaokrąglonych błyszczących krawędzi. Niektórzy
    > badziewiarze się może ucieszą, że będą mogli sobie nakleić folię.

    Zebys mial spokojny sen: najnowszy telefon HTC One S rowniez ma SAMOLED:
    Which do you want first: the good news or the bad news? Well, the good
    bit is that HTC has married a 540 x 960 qHD resolution with Super
    AMOLED. The bad news is that it's missing a "Plus" at the end of that
    moniker. Yes, we're dealing with a PenTile screen, and while there are
    still plenty willing to overlook that graininess, after seeing it
    side-by-side against the high-definition beauty on the One X, we're
    going to rule in favor of the latter. While Super AMOLED wins with the
    blacker blacks, whites are just a bit too off. Comparing the resolution
    on the two One series devices, differences in sharpness will only be
    apparent in native apps and on the web -- unless games and video content
    are ready for 720p, there's no difference in graphical polish, aside
    from those color palette issues.
    Jesli jednak nie widzisz roznicy to po co przeplacac? :]

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