
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowapare fotek z ksiazki › pare fotek z ksiazki
  • Data: 2009-07-28 17:32:32
    Temat: pare fotek z ksiazki
    Od: rs <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    joel'a grey'a wydanej pod tytulem "1.3: imeges from my phone".

    o ksiazce i autorze:
    Tony- and Academy Award-winning actor Joel Grey is best known for his
    extensive work in the theater and on film. But on an out-of-town trip
    in 2007, he found himself in a small museum filled with bizarre and
    eminently photographable objects without his trusty Nikon Nikkormat by
    his side. So he reached for his cell phone. His book 1.3: Images from
    My Phone, is a collection of pictures he took over eight months,
    slices cut from diverse visual worlds: street art and still life,
    advertising and architecture, shadows and reflections, natural beauty
    and urban grit.

    taka ciekawostka. <rs>

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