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From: "ant" <h...@u...com>
Newsgroups: pl.sci.inzynieria
Subject: jak to przetłumaczyć : ...these [engines] have pre-chamber and spark
ignition... ?
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 08:15:34 +0000 (UTC)
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]
o silnikach diesel'a przystosowanych do spalania gazu ziemnego:
...these [engines] have pre-chamber and spark ignition...
czy można to przetłumaczyć:
..."tego rodzaju silniki mają system zapłonu zarówno przed-komorowy,
jak i iskrowy"...
Engine Types Used in the Current Projects
The gas ferry Glutra is equipped with lean burn engines from
Mitsubishi (picture on left) with pre-chamber and spark
ignition. This type is also used in the Pioneer Knutsen LNG
tanker and, in the coast guard vessels, and will also be used in
the two new ferry projects in Norway.
The gas supply vessels and the LNG vessels built in France
and also most of the ones ordered in Korea are equipped with
Wärtsilä Dual Fuel (DF) engines. The DF engines are low
pressure pilot ignited lean burn Otto engines in the gas mode
while they operate as ordinary diesel engines in diesel mode.
We may mention that also other engine makers can deliver gas
engines, for instance MAN B&W also have a low pressure
Dual Fuel engine, and they are contracted for some LNG ships.
Rolls Royce in Bergen has delivered the low pressure pure gas
engines to the series of gas ferries for the Norwegian coast
delivered in 2007, these have pre-chamber and spark ignition.
This engine type will also be used in the 7500 m3 LNG coast
High pressure gas diesels are up to now only utilized in ship
projects in FPSOs, but is also seriously considered for LNG
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 28.02.09 15:51 Maciej Szymanski
- 01.03.09 11:32 J.F.
- 01.03.09 18:24 zbigi
- 03.03.09 21:29 J.F.
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