
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowaRe: [UK][PRESS] Robisz dobre zdjęcia? To masz problem!
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2010-04-01 16:27:23
    Temat: Re: [UK][PRESS] Robisz dobre zdjęcia? To masz problem!
    Od: "Marek Wyszomirski" <>

    "M_X" <r...@p...onet.lp> napisał:

    > Znalezione dzisiaj w gazecie.
    > Boots refuses to print photos because they are 'too good'
    > Boots the chemists refuse to print Joanna Ornowska's pictures claiming
    > are shot by a professional photographer and downloaded illegally off the
    > internet.
    > A photography student was shocked when Boots staff refused to print her
    > snaps - because they were too good.
    > Joanna Ornowska photographed her pregnant best friend Malgorzata Kulinsha
    > a memento to give to her relatives.
    > But she was shocked when staff at Boots refused to print 30 pictures
    > they suspected they were professional shots illegally downloaded from the
    > internet.
    > Boots' policy on copyright means it is illegal to print photographs taken
    > a professional photographer without their permission.
    > Ms Ornowska showed staff her student ID and a letter from the university
    > proving they were her photos but the manager at the store in Coventry
    > turned her away.
    > The 25-year-old, who is studying photography at Coventry University, said:
    > 'The pictures were just simple shots with a digital camera that I'd taken
    > my friend holding her bump, I was just doing a favour for her.
    > 'The staff said they looked professional and that I needed to write a
    > on headed paper to show who I am. But I didn't have any.
    > 'I was upset because they just shouldn't have done that.'
    > Ms Malgorzata, 28, caught her plane home to Poland without the pictures.
    > said: 'They're lovely pictures and my family would have treasured them.'
    > A Boots spokesman said yesterday: 'We have an obligation to ensure we
    > infringe copyright laws including those of professional photographers.
    > 'In the case of Joanna our store staff were over cautious and on
    > could have sold the pictures.'

    Może powinno się im zrobić reklamę pod hasłem: 'Boots - drukujemy zdjęcie
    tylko kiepskim fotografom'?

    Marek Wyszomirski (

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