
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowaTest M9Re: Test M9
  • Data: 2009-09-14 12:56:16
    Temat: Re: Test M9
    Od: Jan Rudziński <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    Paweł W. napisał(a):
    > - Rozdzielczość 2.5-calowego ekranu LCD wynosi 230.000
    > pikseli[...]Jakość wyświetlacza jest jednak bardzo kiepska.

    "[LCD]It is not sapphire as was the old M8.2, which leaves the door open
    for an improved M9. Leica chose not to offer the sapphire glass to allow
    the M9 to have its *very attractive price* without compromising image
    quality or operation."
    "Most lesser cameras have bigger screens with more pixels, but *so
    what*: with the LEICA, the LCD is used for setting the camera.
    When you shoot the LEICA, you know your photos are perfect. The Leica
    man never wastes his shooting time looking back at what he just shot;
    his eyes are always looking for his next great photo. The Leica man is
    part of the action, not a huddled drone off in the corner.
    The Leica man doesn't care to view his images on-camera.

    [Brak live-view]
    "Thank goodness, the M9 has no mode to put moving images up on the rear
    LCD as you shoot. This would be inconceivably stupid for the LEICA
    photographer, even if popular with lesser men. The LEICA photographer's
    attention never leaves his subject, and certainly would never be fixed
    on an LCD while out shooting."

    Janek (sygnaturka zastępcza)

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