Data: 2014-02-14 23:10:23
Temat: Re: David West: OOP is Dead
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Użytkownik "Mateusz Łoskot" <m...@l...net> napisał w wiadomości
> On 02/13/2014 03:03 AM, A.L. wrote:
>> Jak kogos interesuje solidna i profesjonalna krytyka OO, polecal
>> strone Luca Cardelli. To najwiekszyc chyba autorytet w dziedzinei
>> typow i OO. Napisal ksziake "Theory of Objects" zawierajaca dokaldna
>> analize i porownanie oo "z klasami" i "bez kals". Ksizka jest droga
>> ale na citeseer sa do sicgniecia obszerne slajdy (cos 600) zawierajace
>> wyklad materialu z ksiazki.
> Ciągnę przeglądanie tych slajdów i mam wrażenie, że w/w książka musi być
> całkiem niezłym uzupełnieniem "Elements of Programming" Alexander
> Stepanov & Paul McJones. Podobna perspektywa.
pare wstępnych uwag z pierwszych stron:
1.1 Objects
The object-oriented approach to programming is based on an intuitive correspondence
between a software simulation of a physical system and the physical system itself. An
analogy is drawn between building an algorithmic model of a physical system from
software components and building a mechanical model of a physical system from
con-crete objects.
Object-oriented programming similarly involves analysis, design, and implemen-tation
with concrete objects replaced by software objects. The term object in
programming refers to a component of a software model, not to a component of the
system being modeled. The proper analogy is between software objects and objects in
a "real model" that one may imagine building, rather than objects in the "real
Objects are naturally organized into taxonomies during analysis, design,
and implementation. This hierarchical organiza-tion encourages
the reuse of methods and data that are located higher in the hierarchy.
Object-oriented programming does not have an exclusive claim to all these good
properties. Systems may be modeled by other paradigms, including ones based on
tra-ditional notions of algorithms and data structures, which were not well developed
when Simula was invented [57J.
Resilience can be achieved just as well by organizing programs around
abstract data types [81J, independently of taxonomies;
in fact, data abstraction alone is sometimes taken as
the essence of object orientation [19,29).
Reus-ability can be achieved by modularization [101, 127J and parameterization [90,
Hence it is possible that, as the availability and awareness of other techniques
the appeal of objects will fade away.
fragmenty ze str 7,8
A Theory of Objects
C Springer Science+Business Media New York 1996
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 14.02.14 23:31 A.L.
- 14.02.14 23:33 A.L.
- 14.02.14 23:50 intuicjonista
- 15.02.14 00:10 A.L.
- 15.02.14 00:24 intuicjonista
- 15.02.14 02:13 A.L.
- 15.02.14 11:46 intuicjonista
- 15.02.14 12:44 firr
- 15.02.14 14:00 intuicjonista
- 15.02.14 14:34 firr
- 15.02.14 15:38 intuicjonista
- 15.02.14 17:52 A.L.
- 15.02.14 21:12 intuicjonista
- 17.02.14 18:39 Mateusz Łoskot
- 17.02.14 20:56 firr
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