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Newsgroups: pl.misc.telefonia.gsm
Subject: Re: SGS3 - straszne zamieszanie robi sie wokol premiery
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 21:23:29 +0200
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]
>> Hmmm, nie wiem, nie mam lagow w interface czy w przegladarce wiec Ci
>> nie powiem. Zainstalowalem nawet na chwila nowa Opere, ktora
>> obsluguje gpu. Nie zauwazylem roznicy w predkosci przewijania czy
>> powiekszania.
> To włącz test z rybkami. :P
Ok, jest wyjasnienie problemow z wydajnoscia:
The problem, Nightingale said, is that Microsoft is not using WebGL, the
3D web standard, because IE9 doesn't support it.
"They have to do it using Canvas 2D, which is a technology they do
support, and it's great, because it's an open web technology, so it's
nice to see them trumpeting it. But it's not actually what any developer
would choose to use for 3D graphics," he said. "You would use a 3D API
for that. What's funny is that if you reimplement the fish tank demo
using WebGL, it screams on any browser that supports WebGL," including
Microsoft, of course, sees the situation differently. Asked about
Nightingale's comments, a Microsoft representative pointed to an IE Blog
post from last year on performance testing, noting that the fish tank
(dubbed "FishIE") was created specifically to test HTML5 Canvas. It's
just one of about 100 different IE Test Drive demos showing different
aspects of browser standard support and performance.
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 22.04.12 21:54 Skrypëk
- 22.04.12 22:23 atm
- 23.04.12 01:16 Skrypëk
- 23.04.12 09:43 atm
- 23.04.12 13:13 to
- 23.04.12 13:34 J.F
- 23.04.12 13:42 atm
- 23.04.12 14:17 Skrypëk
- 23.04.12 14:21 atm
- 23.04.12 14:33 Skrypëk
- 23.04.12 14:35 atm
- 23.04.12 14:41 Skrypëk
- 23.04.12 14:53 Maciek "Babcia" Dobosz
- 23.04.12 14:58 J.F
- 23.04.12 15:01 atm
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