
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingNowoczesne procesory - jak to z nimi jest?Re: Nowoczesne procesory - jak to z nimi jest?
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    > > jest to pewnego rodzaju hipoteza ale jak kogos to
    > > interesuje to powinien pomierzyc lub conajmniej poczytac
    > > jakies w miare aktualne porownania bo
    > > pewnie sa jakies w necie (i moglby wpisac
    > > wyniki na grupe)
    > Liczyłem że ktoś bardzo doświadczony w asemblerze coś konkretnego
    > powie w tym wątku, na razie wszyscy łącznie ze mną bazujemy na
    > przypuszczeniach.

    w necie jest np taka ciekawa stronka
    z benchmarkami

    moge przekleic najciekawsze kawałki z podsumowamia:

    In my 2002 Benchmarks, Intel did very well. On the two benchmarks common to both 2002
    and 2011 (BW1D and LAME), the average performance improvement of the fastest
    Intel-compiled code over the fastest gcc-compiled code was almost 80%. Intel had a
    similar performance margin over Microsoft in 2002. In 2011, on the otherhand, the
    result is similar, but the balance of power is shifting. Intel is still the overall
    winner based on a geometric mean of the performance scores, but this time the margins
    over gcc and Microsoft are only 7 - 26% (over gcc, depending on the compile flags and
    32/64-bit--the best results, 64-bit, averaged 18% faster than gcc's) and 13 - 22%
    (over microsoft), respectively, and on six of the ten benchmarks, the fastest
    gcc-compiled executable is either faster or equivalent to (within 6%) the fastest
    Intel-compiled executable (MS VC 2010 only had one result within 6% of Intel's
    fastest score). This sort of performance seems roughly in line with what other people
    are getting or have gotten recently between Intel and gcc

    w skrócie: intel jest szybszy czesto o okolo 30
    procend (sporadycznie o 0% albo o np 70%) wobec gcc i vcc ktore sa mw podobnej

    Digital Mars and Tiny CC certainly leave a lot to be desired in terms of run-time
    performance of their compiled executables (2.3X and 4.5X slower than Intel,
    respectively, on average), but for ease of setup and use, install size, and fast
    compiling, they are hard to beat, especially Tiny CC, which, on average, compiles and
    links C applications nearly 4X faster than its closest competitor (Microsoft), 7X
    faster than gcc 4.6.3, and over 10X faster than Intel!

    male kompilatory kompiluja szybciej ale naiwnie
    generowany kod jest nawet ze 4 razy wolniejszy niz
    ten optymalizowany

    pozatym narzekania ze intel jest kobylasty ponag gigabajt instalki - co tez mi sie
    nie podoba

    Intel's Transcendent Transcendental Performance
    Two of Intel's clearest-cut victories are in BW1D and TRANSCEND. Both of these
    benchmarks make heavy use of sincos(), pow(), and other transcendental C math
    functions, so I wrote some programs to isolate the performance of these functions a
    la my MinGW fast math function testing code. Sure enough, Intel is definitely doing
    some in-line transcendental magic. On my sincos() loop test, the Intel-compiled
    version is 3 times faster than gcc's best result. On the pow() loop, Intel's margin
    increases--over 4 times. But the biggest margin is the exp() test loop: the
    Intel-compiled code is 8 times faster than gcc! I am sure this kind of margin on
    transcendentals is what lifts Intel to its impressive performance in BW1D and
    TRANSCEND. Hopefully some talented programmer can disassemble Intel's lightning fast
    transcendental C calls and mimic them in an open-source fast math library that can be
    tightly coupled to gcc. With something like that, I think gcc would be neck-and-neck
    with Intel for the best overall performance in these benchmarks.

    to jest bardzo ciekawe - intel ma dobrze napisane
    wielokroc szybsze funkcje transcendentalne w
    szczegolnosci exp i pow ktore zarzynają gcc
    (to ze pow jest baaardzo wolny to sam odkrylem jak pisalem prosty raytracer) - nawet
    wnioski ze
    gdyby nie to to gcc moglby byc podobnie szybki jak
    intel (lub prawie)

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