Data: 2015-06-17 19:55:25
Temat: Re: Japońska robota chińskimi rękoma.
Od: __Maciek <i...@c...org> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]Wed, 17 Jun 2015 11:53:08 +0200 "J.F." <j...@p...onet.pl>
>Wsystkie od zawsze, od Laserjet bez numerka ? A faktycznie ... no to
Nawet od tych z numerkiem a bez LaserJet :-)
"The 2680A was HP's first laser printer. The 2680A had a print
resolution of 180 dots per inch and a top speed of 45 pages per
minute. It printed on A/A4-size fanfold paper rather than cut sheet
paper. The 2680A took almost five years to develop. It was based on a
Canon print engine that had been previewed by HP in 1975."
"Codenamed "Bonsai" (after the small Japanese tree), the 2688A and
2687A (Series 1200) were HP's first desktop laser printers. Both had a
print speed of 12 pages per minute, with a resolution of 300 dots per
inch. The 2687A was priced significantly lower at $12,800. This
machine came standard with an RS-232-C interface and was a text-only
printer. The 2688A came standard with an HP-IB interface and could
print both text and graphics on the same page.
HP had partnered with Canon to develop the company's first laser
printer, the 2680A. However, the 2687/88 printers were both based on
Ricoh engines. The only Canon print engine available at the time that
fit HP's target was the LBP-10. The LBP-10 had good price/performance
and good reliability, but used liquid toner. The paper that came out
of the printer was wet, flammable and smelled like kerosene. HP wanted
a dry-toner engine and turned to Ricoh, which resulted in a
significant loss of face for Canon. The 2687/88 printers took two and
a half years to develop, but were not very reliable.
The 2687/88 printers used HP's PCL2 language."
>pytanie czy do ostatniego numerka :-)
OIMW tak.
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 17.06.15 20:01 __Maciek
- 17.06.15 20:12 __Maciek
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- 18.06.15 12:53 Adam
- 18.06.15 13:44 J.F.
- 18.06.15 20:36 Adam
- 19.06.15 14:07 J.F.
- 19.06.15 15:38 Adam
- 19.06.15 15:57 Waldemar
- 19.06.15 17:01 J.F.
- 19.06.15 17:30 Jarosław Sokołowski
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