
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.pecet[OT] e-papieros, ktos pali ?Re: [OT] e-papieros, ktos pali ?
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    From: Tomasz Chmielewski <>
    Newsgroups: pl.comp.pecet
    Subject: Re: [OT] e-papieros, ktos pali ?
    Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2011 12:59:19 +0100
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    On 29.01.2011 06:31, rs wrote:

    >> Alez juz uczestniczylem w takim "eksperymencie" wielokrotnie.
    >> _Jedyna_ osoba, ktora "nic nie czula", byla ta osoba, ktora palila
    >> e-papierosa (wsrod reszty osob niebedacych palaczami).
    > wiec jak pisalem. albo to byly podroby, albo ty miales omamy, ktore
    > nie sa w tym wypadku rzecza wyjatkowa i zaobserwowano takie wypadki,
    > ze mimo dym byl bezwonny ludziom wyraznie sie wydawalo, ze czuja dym
    > zwyklego papierosa.

    Co do "omamow":

    I thought that no liquid smelled until I was vaping RY4 in the office
    (secretly) and when the next person came in they said "It smells like
    cotton candy in here". I just said "really? I don't smell anything". So
    I thought hmm ok maybe it was something else....until it happened again
    with a different person.

    Yeah people are liars when they say these things have NO SMELL... But in
    truth. they have "just about" no smell heh...

    Alex -- the vapor does not smell like a cigarette at all. It smells
    slightly sweet, similar to the smell of fog on the dance-floor. Very

    It is NOT smoke, but misty vapor. I personally think they do have a
    slight smell, but it is NOTHING like actual cigs. Some of the flavors
    even have a very pleasant smell,

    Wpisz tez w google cos w rodzaju "palenie wech", jesli naprawde pierwszy
    raz w zyciu slyszysz o tym, ze palenie przytepia zmysl wechu. Byc moze
    to jest przyczyna, dla ktorej wydaje ci sie, ze e-papierosy sa "bezwonne".

    Tomasz Chmielewski

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