
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowaNikon idzie ostro w FFRe: Nikon idzie ostro w FF
  • Data: 2012-04-26 19:42:59
    Temat: Re: Nikon idzie ostro w FF
    Od: dominik <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On 2012-04-26 14:26, Waldek Godel wrote:
    > Rumors today have indicated that Nikon is working on a new full frame DSLR.
    > The camera company currently offers the D800, and new information points to
    > Nikon creating a cheaper full frame DSLR, the D600. While the megapixel
    > count is currently unknown, a summer announcement is reportedly on the
    > cards that could change the current dynamic of the Nikon range.
    > Nikon will position the D600 as an "entry level" full frame camera, so
    > price wise it should be a lot cheaper than the D800, which currently costs
    > around $3,000. The D600 is said to have dual SD card slots, an Auto DX crop
    > mode, an in-camera RAW editor, and possibly GPS integration.

    Było by fajnie, bo wciąż nie ma entry level FF DSLR, a realnie wybór
    takiego byłby ciekawy dla wielu osób. Niech więc nikon robi, im tańsze to
    tym lepiej, bo nie każdy potrzebuje aż A900, 5DIII lub D800.

    _ _ _a_a
    dominik, gg:919564 _ _ _{.`=`.}_ {/ ''\_ _ {.`'`.} {.' _ '.} {| ._oo)
    { \ {/ .-. \} {/ .' '. \} {/ |

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