
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowaGdzie założyć galerie ?Re: Gdzie założyć galerie ?
  • Data: 2010-12-07 12:22:50
    Temat: Re: Gdzie założyć galerie ?
    Od: Radek <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    > Bo teraz to mamy list rzeczy kt re chcesz, a kt re picassa bodaj spe nia,
    > wi c jest to nieco podejrzane ;]

    Sharing Photos

    Picasa Web Albums allows two levels of security. You can either make
    an album public, or you can make an album unlisted. If the album is
    public, everyone can see it, and if it is unlisted, you can still see
    the album if you know the album's secret Web address. You can click on
    the Share this album button to send the URL of either private or
    public albums.

    This is not actually a secure way to make pictures private. Other
    comparable photo services, such as Flickr, offer password protected
    albums and sharing with select friends. It is really a pity Google
    doesn't do the same for Web Albums, since you can do this with other
    Google products. At the very least, there should be a way to share
    photos with only registered users.

    Nie ma opcji folder na hasło :)


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