
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowaGdzie założyć galerie ?Re: Gdzie założyć galerie ?
  • Data: 2010-12-07 12:49:17
    Temat: Re: Gdzie założyć galerie ?
    Od: Radek <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Picasa oferuje 3 poziomy dostepnosci albumow, w tym haslowanie
    > TA

    Pomimo szczerych wysiłków nie mogę nigdzie doczytać o tym haśle.
    Nie chce aby oglądający byli zmuszani do zakładania konta na google.
    W opcji private :
    Users without a Google Account will be prompted to create one

    Public on the web

    Set your album visibility to 'Public on the web' to make them viewable
    to anyone who knows the URL of your Public Gallery. Your public albums
    may also appear in public search. Learn more about public search

    Anyone with the link icon Anyone with the link

    Set your album to 'Anyone with the link' to limit who can see it.
    Albums shared with anyone with the link include a unique authorization
    key in the web address; the key is a combination of letters and
    numbers that make the address difficult to guess.

    Private icon Private

    Select the 'Private' option to set the highest level of privacy for
    your album -- you specify exactly who has permission to view private
    albums, and those viewers must sign in to their Google Accounts to
    verify their identities. Users without a Google Account will be
    prompted to create one. Anyone not included on the album's "Shared
    with" access list will be unable to view the album.

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