
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowaDowcipy i anegdotki o fotografach.Re: Dowcipy i anegdotki o fotografach.
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    Newsgroups: pl.rec.foto.cyfrowa
    Subject: Re: Dowcipy i anegdotki o fotografach.
    Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2011 14:48:19 +0100
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    W dniu 2011-02-08 14:36, Thomas pisze:

    > I tak smieszne IMHO :)

    Ano śmieszne :)

    Wersja oryginalna:
    After Mrs. Jacobs found out her husband was sterile, the couple decided
    to hire a proxy father to start their family. On the day the proxy
    father was to arrive, Mr. Jacobs kissed his wife and said 'I'm off to
    work, Lydia. The guy should be here soon.'

    Wouldn't you know it, a door-to-door baby photographer came by half an
    hour later, hoping to make a sale. Mrs. Jacobs answered the door. 'Good
    morning, ma'am. You don't know me, but I've come to...' 'Oh yes, I know
    why you're here. Harry told me you'd be coming soon.' 'He did? But I...'
    'Come right in! No use wasting time .' 'Very well, then.'

    The photographer took out his briefcase and sat down. 'As you may
    already know, I've made a specialty of babies.' 'Good, I'm glad,' said
    Mrs. Jacobs. 'That's just what Harry and I were looking for.'

    'I usually like to try two in the bathtub, one on the couch and perhaps
    a couple on the bed,' said the photographer. 'The living room floor is
    fun can really spread out.' 'Bathtub? Living room floor? No
    wonder it never worked for Harry and me.' 'Well, ma'am, none of us can
    guarantee a perfect one every time, but if we try several different
    positions and I shoot from six or seven different angles, I think you'll
    be quite pleased with the results.'

    'I certainly hope we can get this over with quickly,' Mrs. Jacobs gasped
    nervously. 'Ma'am, in my line of work a man must take his time. I'd like
    to be in and out in five minutes, but you'd be disappointed with that,
    I'm sure.' 'Don't I know!' said Mrs. Jacobs.

    The photographer pulled out a portfolio of his pictures. 'This one was
    done on top of a bus in downtown London,' he said, showing Mrs. Jacobs
    the picture. 'Oh my God!' exclaimed Mrs. Jacobs, tugging on her

    'And these twins turned out exceptionally well when you consider the
    fact that their mother was so difficult to work with.' He showed Mrs.
    Jacobs another picture. 'She was difficult?' questioned Mrs. Jacobs.
    'Extremely,' said the photographer. 'I finally had to take her to Hyde
    Park to get the job done right. People were crowding around, four and
    five deep, just to get a good look.' 'Four and five deep!' Mrs. Jacobs
    was amazed. 'Yes,' said the photographer. 'And for more than three
    hours, too. The mother was constantly squealing and yelling. I could
    hardly concentrate. Then, it started getting dark and I had to rush my
    shots. Finally, when the squirrels started nibbling on my equipment. I
    just packed it all in.'

    Mrs. Jacobs leaned forward. 'You mean the squirrels actually chewed on
    your,' 'Yes, ma'am. Thank God, no real damage was done.

    Well, we'll get to work as soon as I set up my tripod.'

    'Tripod? ' Mrs. Jacobs looked extremely worried now.

    'Of course. I need to use a tripod to rest my Canon on. It's much to big
    for me to hold while I'm getting ready for action. Ma''am...good
    God, she's fainted!'"


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