
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingprocedura tworzenia programówRe: procedura tworzenia programów
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    Subject: Re: procedura tworzenia programów
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    On Sun, 19 Feb 2012 19:59:09 +0100, bartekltg <>

    >W dniu 2012-02-19 16:45, A.L. pisze:
    >> Bajanai wszelkich "gurus" padaja na podatny grunt, bo wiekszosc
    >> managementu nie ma przyslowiowego "clue", wiec lapie sie dowolnej
    >> glupoty any uratowac swa d..... Wiadomo ze jak nei potrafisz nic
    >> robic, to zostajesz guru. Musisz miec tylko odpowiednai ilosc Daru
    >> Bozego ktory nazywa sie "hucpa"
    >Ale to nikt z 'darem bożym' nie połapał sie i nie zrobił kariery
    >na demaskowaniu złych metod.
    Dlaczego nie?

    Polecam ksiazke:

    Extremem Programming Refactored: The Case Against XP, Matt Stephens,
    Doug Rosenberg

    Z notki wydawcy:

    Extreme Programming Refactored: The Case Against XP (featuring Songs
    of the Extremos) takes a satirical look at the increasingly-hyped
    extreme programming (XP) methodology. It explores some quite
    astonishing Extremo quotes that have typified the XP approach quotes
    such as, "XPers are not afraid of oral documentation," "Schedule is
    the customer's problem," "Dependencies between requirements are more a
    matter of fear than reality" and "Concentration is the enemy."

    In between the chuckles, though, there is a serious analysis of XP's
    many flaws. The authors also examine C3, the first XP project, whose
    team (most of whom went on to get XP book deals shortly before C3's
    cancellation) described themselves as "the best team on the face of
    the Earth." (In a later chapter, the authors also note that one
    problem which can affect pair programmers is overconfidence--or is that
    "eXcessive courage"?). The authors examine whether the problems that
    led to C3's "inexplicable" cancellation could also afflict present-day
    XP projects.

    A tak w ogole, to trudno z tym walczyc. Proponuje pzreprowadzic
    analogie z obalaniem teorii Newtona pzrez niektoryc hwynalazcow, czy
    uporczywie krazacymi projektami samochodu napedzanego woda.


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