Data: 2023-04-25 02:04:12
Temat: Re: [ot] jaki serwer usenet
Od: a...@h...invalid (Arnold Ziffel) szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]nadir <n...@h...org> wrote:
> Doskonale wiem jak to wyglądało, dlatego pytam o odpowiednik
> ICANN/NASK-u dla Usenet-u.
Dla grup BIG8 jest "The Big-8 Management Board".
Jeśli chodzi o grupy lokalne (np. pl.*): w pakiecie inn przychodzi
domyślny plik control.ctl, który definiuje hierarchie i uprawnienia. Dla
## PL (Poland and Polish language)
# URL: http://www.usenet.pl/doc/news-pl-new-site-faq.html
# Admin group: pl.news.admin
# Key URL: http://www.usenet.pl/doc/news-pl-new-site-faq.html#p
# *PGP* See comment at top of file.
Można sobie to oczywiście dowolnie wyedytować, jeśli się wie, co się robi.
Komentarz na początku pliku (długi):
## control.ctl - Access control for control messages.
## Last modified: 2021-11-28
## Based on rone's unified control.ctl file.
## For a web presentation of the information recorded here, as well as
## other useful information about Usenet hierarchies, please see:
## <http://usenet.trigofacile.com/hierarchies/>
## Please copy u...@i...org on any updates to this file so that
## it can be updated in the INN Git repository and on ftp.isc.org. For
## changes to a public hierarchy, please also post the changes to
## news.admin.hierarchies.
## The canonical version of this file can be found in the latest INN
## release and at <ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/usenet/CONFIG/control.ctl>; these
## two files will be kept in sync. Please refer to the latest version of
## this file for the most up-to-date hierarchy control information and
## please use the latest version if you intend to carry all hierarchies.
## You may wish to review and change the policy for alt.*, free.*,
## it-alt.*, and oesterreich.* below before using this file on your
## server.
## Format:
## <message>:<from>:<newsgroups>:<action>
## <message> Control message or "all" if it applies to all control
## messages.
## <from> Pattern that must match the From line.
## <newsgroups> Pattern that must match the newsgroup being newgroup'd
## or rmgroup'd (ignored for other messages).
## <action> What to do:
## doit Perform action
## drop Ignore message
## log One line to error log
## mail Send mail to admin
## verify-pgp_userid Do PGP verification on user.
## All actions except drop and mail can be given a log
## location by following the action with an = and the
## log ("mail" says to mail the admin, an empty location
## tosses the log information, and a relative path xxx
## logs to $LOG/xxx.log).
## The *last* matching entry is used. See the expire.ctl(5) man page for
## complete information.
## This file follows the following policies:
## * Most unknown or invalid control messages no longer result in mail.
## This is due to the proliferation of forged control messages filling
## up mailboxes. Some news servers even get overwhelmed with trying to
## log failure, so unsigned control messages for hierarchies that use
## PGP are simply dropped.
## * The assumption is that you now have PGP on your system. If you
## don't, you should get it to help protect yourself against all the
## control message forgeries. See <ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/>.
## PGP control message verification comes with all versions of INN since
## 1.5, but you will need to install either PGP or GnuPG; see the
## installation instructions for your news server.
## If for some reason you can't use PGP, search for the *PGP* comments
## and modify the control lines to change "verify-..." in the action
## field to "mail" or "doit=mail" or "doit=<log file>" or whatever you
## prefer (replacing <log file> with the name of an appropriate log
## file).
## * A number of hierarchies are for local use only but have leaked out
## into the general stream. In this config file, they are set so that
## the groups will be easy to remove, and are marked with a comment of
## *LOCAL* (for use by that organization only, not generally
## distributed), *DEFUNCT* (a hierarchy that's no longer used), or
## *PRIVATE* (should only be carried after making arrangements with the
## given contact address). Please delete all groups in those
## hierarchies from your server if you carry them, unless you've
## contacted the listed contact address and arranged a feed.
## If you have permission to carry any of the hierarchies so listed in
## this file, you should change the entries for those hierarchies
## below.
## * Some hierarchies are marked as *HISTORIC*. These hierarchies
## aren't entirely defunct, but they are very low-traffic, not widely
## read or carried, and may not be worth carrying. If you don't intend
## to carry them, comment out their entries.
## * Some hierarchies are marked as *RESERVED*. These are used for
## special purposes by news software and should not be managed by
## control messages. This config file drops all control messages for
## those hierarchies.
## The comments of this file aren't in any formal or well-defined syntax,
## but they are meant to use a consistent syntax to allow eventual parsing
## by scripts into a better database format. Please follow the syntax of
## existing entries when providing new ones. The recognized "fields" are
## Contact (contact e-mail address), Admin group (the administrative group
## for the hierarchy), URL, Key URL (URL for PGP key), Key fingerprint, Key
## mail (address to mail for PGP key), and Syncable server (for actsync or
## a similar tool).
## Names used in this file that cannot be encoded in 7bit ASCII are in
## UTF-8. The only non-7bit-ASCII content is in comments.
## Information in this file has been contributed by many different people
## and has been based on numerous historical revisions of this file. A
## full, detailed history of contributions and copyright holders probably
## does not exist. So far as the current maintainers are aware, copying
## and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
## permitted in any medium without royalty. This file is offered as-is,
## without any warranty.
Leci mucha, aż tu nagle wpada na drzewo i spada na ziemię. Po chwili
wstaje, otrzepuje się i mówi:
- To se q*.*a polatałam...
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