
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingkoszt zarzadzaniaRe: koszt zarzadzania
  • Data: 2011-10-08 05:31:34
    Temat: Re: koszt zarzadzania
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    M.M. <> napisał(a):

    > >  <> napisał(a):
    > > (o ile rozumiem) fokusowany proces ma jakiegos boosta
    > Ma na pewno, wiele razy to obserwowałem. Nie mam pewności
    > skąd to się bierze, strzelam że z ustawień w systemie,
    > czy optymalizować usługi w tle.
    > Pozdrawiam

    z tego co pisze w windows internals w xp (a mam stare wydanie tak ze nie
    wiem jak w ciscie i 7) wotki procesu w foreground dostaja 60 milisekundowe
    slice zamiast 20 ms (jak ustawic w zakladce te bacground services) to
    jak rozumiem tego boosta nie ma i wszystkie procesy dostaja po 120 ms

    Quantum Boosting

    Prior to Windows NT 4.0, when a window was brought into the foreground on a
    workstation or client system, all the threads in the foreground process (the
    process that owns the thread that owns the window that's in focus) received a
    priority boost of 2. This priority boost remained in effect while any thread
    in the process owned the foreground window. The problem with this approach
    was that if you started a long-running, CPU-intensive process (such as a
    spreadsheet recalculation) and then switched to another CPU-intensive process
    (such as a computer-aided design tool, graphics editor, or a game), the
    process now running in the background would get little or no CPU time because
    the foreground process would have its threads boosted by 2 (assuming the base
    priority of the threads in both processes are the same) while it remained in
    the foreground.

    This default behavior was changed as of Windows NT 4.0 Workstation to instead
    triple the quantum of the threads in the foreground process. Thus, threads in
    the foreground process run with a quantum of 6 clock ticks, whereas threads
    in other processes have the default workstation quantum of 2 clock ticks. In
    this way, when you switch away from a CPU-intensive process, the new
    foreground process will get proportionally more of the CPU, because when its
    threads run they will have a longer turn that background threads (again,
    assuming the thread priorities are the same in both the foreground and
    background processes).

    Note that this adjustment of quantums applies only to processes with a
    priority higher than Idle on systems configured to Programs (or Applications,
    in Windows 2000) in the Performance Options settings described in the
    previous section. Thread quantums are not changed for the foreground process
    on systems configured to Background Services (the default on Windows Server

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