
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowajaka stałka do D80 ?Re: jaka sta????????????
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    From: Mateusz Ludwin <>
    Newsgroups: pl.rec.foto.cyfrowa
    Subject: Re: jaka sta????????????
    Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 11:54:10 +0200
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    Yans van Horn wrote:

    > Nie zachowasz niestety:
    > Depth of Field Using 35mm SLR with 50mm Lens and Subject Distance of 10
    > Feet,
    > and DSLR with 33mm Lens and Subject Distance of 10 feet
    > There may be times when you want to change lenses to keep the same
    > subject size in the photograph. In this example, you could use a 50mm
    > lens on the 35mm SLR, and a 33mm (50/1.5) lens on the DSLR. At a focus
    > distance of 10 feet, you would get similar photographs as shown in
    > Figure 13. As shown in Figures 11 and 12 below, the DSLR photographs
    > will exhibit more depth of field when the focal length for the DSLR is
    > adjusted so the framing is identical for the two cameras (Figure 13.)
    > The total DOF at f/5.6 for the 35mm SLR is about 4.25 feet, from about
    > 8.25 feet to 12.5 feet. The total DOF at f/5.6 for the DSLR is about 7.5
    > feet, from about 7.5 feet to 15 feet. So, the DOF is about 3.25 feet
    > longer, at f/5.6, with the 33mm lens focused at 10 feet on the DSLR.

    On już nie odpowie - godzinę temu zepsuł mu sie komputer :>>>>
    Mateusz Ludwin mateuszl [at] gmail [dot] com

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