
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.pecethdparmRe: hdparm
  • Path:!!!!news.unit!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
    From: Michal Lukasik <>
    Newsgroups: pl.comp.pecet
    Subject: Re: hdparm
    Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2016 11:02:16 +0000
    Organization: Mixmin
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    On 03/11/2016 21:19, Marsjanin wrote:

    > Model: 2,5" SATA, WDC WD2500BEVT-22A23T0 (01.01A01)
    > Powoduje to np. że kiepsko się nadaje do przechowywania i puszczania
    > muzyki w MP3. Zawsze po zbuforowaniu utworu zdąży się uśpić, a
    > wznawia się po żądaniu kolejnego, przez co program jest potraktowany
    > kilkusekundowym lagiem po kilkunastu sekundach nowego utworu. :)

    Winna jest opcja SecurePark. By to wyłączyć może się okazać, że trzeba
    zrobić upgrade firmware (na stronie WD jest soft). Może wystarczyć
    wspomniany już wdidle3 albo opcja -J w hdparm (AFAIR to samo) - trzeba

    man hdparm (fragment)

    -J Get/set the Western Digital (WD) Green Drive's "idle3" timeout
    value. This timeout controls how often the drive parks its
    heads and enters a low power consumption state. The factory
    default is eight (8) seconds, which is a very poor choice for
    use with Linux. Leaving it at the default will result in
    hundreds of thousands of head load/unload cycles in a very
    short period of time. The drive mechanism is only rated for
    300,000 to 1,000,000 cycles, so leaving it at the default
    could result in premature failure, not to mention the
    performance impact of the drive often having to wake-up
    doing routine I/O.

    WD supply a WDIDLE3.EXE DOS utility for tweaking this
    and you should use that program instead of hdparm if at all
    possible. The reverse-engineered implementation in hdparm is
    not as complete as the original official program, even though
    it does seem to work on at a least a few drives. A full
    cycle is required for any change in setting to take effect,
    regardless of which program is used to tweak things.

    A setting of 30 seconds is recommended for Linux use.
    Permitted values are from 8 to 12 seconds, and from 30 to 300
    seconds in 30-second increments. Specify a value of zero (0)
    to disable the WD idle3 timer completely (NOT RECOMMENDED!).

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