Data: 2016-11-09 10:43:25
Temat: Re: hdparm
Od: ąćęłńóśźż <n...@d...spamerow> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]// Copyright 2008 Western Digital Corporation
// Use, duplication or disclosure by any commercial industry (public or private),
private individual or by any Government Agency without an expressed written consent
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// Manufacturer is:
// Western Digital Corporation
// 20511 Lake Forest Dr.
// Lake Forest, CA 92630
// 1-800-275-4932
WDSpinup Version 1.00 for DOS
- DOS Level utility to configure the low current spinup feature for Western Digital
GreenPower(TM) drives.
- Allows spinup current to be configured to low or super low.
- Reports spinup current setting (low or super low).
- Scan for all drives. Non-WD Drives shall only show the model number and serial
- Unsupported disk drives will report 'This drive does not support dual spinup
current modes.'
- Uses a Vendor Specific Command to get or set the spinup current setting.
WDSpinup <option>
where option is only of these:
-R Report spinup mode.
-L Set to low current spinup mode.
-S Set to super low current spinup mode.
-? This help info
0 No error
1 Drive problem
254 Internal program error
255 Invalid command line argument
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