Data: 2012-04-02 23:27:06
Temat: Re: Zestawienie wad WP 7.5
Od: atm <...@v...pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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>> Przy okazji: ile wg Ciebie potrzeba
>> czasu, zeby zapoznac sie i oswoic z WP (pamietam, ze z miesiaca w
>> przypadku Androida miales niezly ubaw)?
> Zdrowemu człowiekowi wystarczy kwadrans.
Rozumiem, zatem wyjatkawym dyskomfortem sa dla Ciebie osoby nie
potrafiace dostrzec skrzetnie ukrytego geniuszu w tym systemie.
Temu gosciowi nawet tydzien bylo malo:
I honestly can't imagine using a Windows Phone 7 device as my main phone
for any extended period of time. The animations and scrolling are slick,
the UI is cohesive, and the simplicity is attractive, but the overall
experience is not on par with Android or iOS. Android offers a better
experience in terms of apps (both availability and price),
multi-tasking, notifications, service integration, gaming, and
productivity. It doesn't matter how fast your phone is if it's lacking
in so many areas. So many parts of the operating system feel unfinished
or untouched that it's honestly astounding to me that this is the second
major release.
As I've said elsewhere, Windows Phone 7 feels like 21st MS-DOS.
Microsoft says that the inspiration for Metro UI is "street and airport
signage." The signage inspiration is clear, but what isn't clear is why
Microsoft thought that reverting the majority of visual cues to text
would provide a better experience to the overtly graphical interfaces
found in Android and iOS. Even if the apps were there (and to be clear,
there is a serious dearth of quality apps), there are so many part of
Windows Phone 7 that still feel incomplete or not thought through. Why
would you make the email text so big that you can only preview four to
five messages on a screen without scrolling? Why limit multi-tasking to
six applications? Why do applications relaunch if you slect them from
the Start menu instead of the multi-tasking menu? Why doesn't the email
app replicate changes made on the server for IMAP connections? These are
massive oversights that were possibly forgivable in the initial release,
but to still have these issues in the second major version is incredible.
Tim Cook is right, Microsoft will keep trying. I'm glad they decided to
start over with Windows Phone 7, but if they want to break into an
already established industry, they need to offer a product that blows
the competition out of the water. Microsoft does not have that product.
For the foreseeable future the smartphone space is going to continue to
be dominated by Apple and Google. That's a disappointing sentence to
write, but it's the truth. I want more competition. More competition
drives real innovation. Android would not be as polished as it is today
if Apple hadn't pushed the importance of design. iOS wouldn't have the
excellent notifications it has now if it weren't for Android paving the
way. I believe that Microsoft has some good ideas in Windows Phone 7,
but if they really want to make an impact they need to do a lot better.
Jestem pewien, ze nieprzebranym arsenale inwektyw znajdziesz odpowiednie
slowa zeby odpowiednio podsumowac tego recenzenta.
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- 03.04.12 00:34 Skrypëk
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- 03.04.12 00:44 AL
- 03.04.12 00:48 Skrypëk
- 03.04.12 00:53 Andrzej Libiszewski
- 03.04.12 00:54 Skrypëk
- 03.04.12 00:56 Skrypëk
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- 03.04.12 01:03 Skrypëk
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