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Subject: Re: Że kiedyś takie wynalazki chciało się produkować...
Newsgroups: pl.misc.elektronika
References: <a...@n...neostrada.pl>
From: Zbych <a...@o...pl>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 14:53:10 +0200
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]On 14.07.2020 14:22, Marek wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Jul 2020 12:42:57 +0200, "J.F."
> <j...@p...onet.pl> wrote:
>> Przypomina mi sie jakas przystawka, ktora umozliwiala backup danych na
>> video.
>> Ale czy to byl pecet czy Amiga ...
> Ile megabitów/s wyciągała?
Raczej ile bajtów/s :-)
There are special backup modes for Amigas with an 68020 or higher CPU
(A1200, A2500, A3000, A4000). The first one gives a speed improvement of
a factor 2 compared to V1.5, without data compression. The typical
thoughput in this case is 85MB per hour, for a total of 340MB per 4-hour
video tape! The 68020-compressed mode adds data compression to this, and
is up to 3 times as fast as V1.5 (depending on the compression ratio
achieved). With 130MB per hour, 520MB will fit on a 4-hour tape! On an
68000 Amiga, the throughput is about 40MB per hour.
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 14.07.20 14:54 J.F.
- 14.07.20 15:39 J.F.
- 14.07.20 16:15 Zbych
- 14.07.20 19:35 RadoslawF
- 14.07.20 20:51 Cezary Grądys
- 14.07.20 21:02 J.F.
- 14.07.20 21:52 Marek
- 14.07.20 21:57 Cezary Grądys
- 14.07.20 22:01 Zbych
- 14.07.20 22:40 Marek
- 14.07.20 22:45 RadoslawF
- 14.07.20 22:55 Zbych
- 15.07.20 08:32 Silver Dream !
- 15.07.20 08:36 Silver Dream !
- 15.07.20 10:57 J.F.
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