
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodyStraż Graniczna kupiła samochody elektryczne za blisko 5,5 mln złRe: Straż Graniczna kupiła samochody elektryczne za blisko 5,5 mln zł
  • Data: 2023-11-29 19:12:49
    Temat: Re: Straż Graniczna kupiła samochody elektryczne za blisko 5,5 mln zł
    Od: "J.F" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On Wed, 29 Nov 2023 18:25:14 +0100, Shrek wrote:
    > W dniu 29.11.2023 o 18:20, J.F pisze:
    >>>> Pewnie jakies doplaty były, niekonieczenie na lucerne
    >>>> od 1933 ?
    >>> A na której konkretnie stronie, bo leniwy jestem.
    >> Z abstraktu wynika, ze gdzies opisali ..
    > Z abstraktu wynika że jakieś działania broniące cen proawdzili ale nic o
    > płacaeniu za nieuprawianie:P

    Na szybko z pierwszej czesci, strona 5

    In 1933, the situation confronting cotton farmers demanded immediate
    and drastic action. The price of cotton had fallen from 29 cents a
    pound in 1923 to 6.5 cents in 1932. Increased cotton acreage and
    favorable weather threatened to drive prices even lower and to
    increase a carryover which had already reached three times normal
    A cotton plow-up campaign was announced June 19, 1933, with the
    objective of eliminating, during the first year, 10 million acres or
    25 percent of the growing crop. This objective was reached.

    Under the first cotton contracts, offered during June 1933, growers
    agreed to plow up from 25 to 50 percent of their acreage in cotton in
    return for rental payments in cash or in cash plus a form of
    payment-in-kind option based roughly on potential cotton eliminated.

    Under a second series of contracts, signed in early 1934, farmers
    agreed to limit for 2 years their acreage planted to cotton. During
    1934, they agreed to plant between 55 and 65 percent of their base
    acreage, which represented the acreage planted for the
    crops of 1928-32.
    They received direct payments officially called parity
    payments, as well as cash-rental payments, during 1934 and 1935. The
    parity payments were made on 40 percent of the base production, which
    was estimated to be the domestically consumed portion of production.

    Wiec przynajmniej mozna było życ z nieuprawiania bawełny :-)


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