
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaSterownik AVT3166Re: Sterownik AVT3166
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    From: "J.F." <>
    Newsgroups: pl.misc.elektronika
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    Subject: Re: Sterownik AVT3166
    Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2018 04:59:57 +0100
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    Użytkownik "Zenek Kapelinder" napisał w wiadomości grup
    >Nie przesadzil tylko odporny na wiedze jest.
    >Akumulator samochodowy nie potrzebuje zadnych impulsow czy innych

    Ale nie wiesz, czy nie pomaga.

    Zobaczone kiedys w sieci: specjalnie dobrana czestotliwosc skutecznie
    odsiarcza akumulator.
    Naciaganie ? Byc moze ...
    komentarze sa ciekawe

    >W samochodzie tego nie ma i w nim potrafi latami dzialac.
    >Zeby jeszcze akumulator trzy tysiace kosztowal ale kosztuje 200
    >Za tyle kupilem na poczatku roku akumulator do mastera.

    Jakis oszukany :-)

    >Akumulator potrzebuje prostownika skladajacego sie z transformatora i
    >prostownika. Z tym ze transformator ma dawac takie napiecie ze na
    >podlaczonym akumulatorze napiecie nie wzrosnie ponad 14,5V chociaz
    >bezpieczniej bedzie 14,2V.

    A tak sie nie da, bo szczytowe w sinusoidzie jest wieksze.

    Ale to akurat dobrze

    >Mozna sie oczywiscie zabawic i isc na calosc. Tak tez zrobilem i ze
    >starego regulatora napiecia alternatora wymontowalem elektronike i
    >podlaczylem w prostowniku.

    P.S. cytat z linku powyzej
    The majority of desulfation product merchants make the claim that
    batteries become sulfated with age. There is not a single battery
    manufacturer who agrees with this - saying batteries wear out due to
    positive plate corrosion and shedding.

    I have personally tested ways of de-corroding and de-sulfating
    batteries. I found both can be made to work.

    There are many hundreds of battery manufacturers around the world. If
    there is one who makes batteries that last longer, curiously, no one
    could care less.
    That is because the overwhelming majority of people who purchase
    batteries will buy only the least expensive batteries. Automobile
    manufacturers are interested only in rock bottom price. Motorists are
    either looking for convenience or for the best price when they need a
    replacement. Batteries are a commodity. Batteries are a grudge buy.
    Manufacturers have no option. Make cheap batteries or perish. That is
    the battery business dynamic. The consumer, not the manufacturer,
    decides how long batteries last.
    I have found pulsing works, in terms of desulfation, up to a point. It
    is ineffective on deeply sulfated batteries. Cadmium is slightly
    better. Switching the charger on and off, plus cadmium, for three
    weeks or longer seems to be the best."

    Ale to nie sa jedyne zastosowania akumulatorow.


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