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Subject: Re: Słońce coraz bardziej agresywne
From: a a <m...@g...com>
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]On Thursday, 8 September 2022 at 14:09:22 UTC+2, a a wrote:
> On Thursday, 8 September 2022 at 11:37:13 UTC+2, a a wrote:
> > On Thursday, 8 September 2022 at 10:27:23 UTC+2, alojzy nieborak wrote:
> > > m...@g...com napisał(a):
> > > > Wielkie wyrzuty masy koronowej
> > >
> > >
> > > Jak żyć premierze? Jak?
> > Plama słoneczna z ogonem magnetycznym o długości 390.000 km
> >
> > A SUNSPOT WITH A TAIL: Sunspot AR3092 has a tail--a really long one. "It extends
for about 390,000 km above the surface of the sun," says Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau
who photographed the structure from Rafaela, Argentina:
> >
> > "To understand this size more visually, the dark core of sunspot AR3092, seen in
the upper left, is about the size of planet Earth," notes Poupeau.
> >
> > https://spaceweather.com/images2022/07sep22/sunspots
> >
> >
> > Upały w San Francisco 32 C o zachodzie słońca i dziwny zachód słońca
> >
> >
> > WHAT HEAT WAVES DO TO THE SUNSET: A record-breaking heat wave is smothering
California this week. In some cities around the San Francisco Bay, daily records have
been shattered by more than 10 degrees. It's even affecting the sunset:
> >
> > "The sun split in two," says Mila Zinkova, who photographed the phenomenon just
as a flock of cormorants flew by. It was Sept. 5th, one of the hottest September days
ever on the beach in San Francisco.
> >
> > San Francisco sunsets are often strange ("No two are ever the same," says
Zinkova), but the heatwave may be amplifying the effect. Record-hot air (90 F)
sitting on top of cool ocean water (60 F) creates unusually intense temperature
gradients. When the sun passes behind the mix of hot and cold, the solar disk is
naturally distorted.
> >
> > https://spaceweather.com/images2022/07sep22/heatwave
> W tym roku wali ultrafioletem po oczach i wypala skórę
> Tutaj mapy UV Index
> warto przesunąć na Afrykę, bo tam maksymalne napromieniowywanie UV
> https://www.theweather.com/weather-maps/uvi-usa.html
Promieniowanie UV w Tybecie
Do wnętrza tłoczone jest powietrze o składzie i ciśnieniu jak na nizinach. Dodatkowo
wagony posiadają uszczelniane podwójne okna, także z powodu trzykrotnie większego
promieniowania ultrafioletowego na dużych wysokościach.
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