
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowaNastepca Fuji FinePix S5 ProRe: Nastepca Fuji FinePix S5 Pro
  • Data: 2009-09-23 19:21:39
    Temat: Re: Nastepca Fuji FinePix S5 Pro
    Od: StaM <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On 23 Wrz, 20:59, Mateusz Ludwin <> wrote:
    > Rzecze Kris:
    > >> Człowieku ale żeś ciśnienie podniósł tym tematem.
    > > no dobra, ale cos wiecie ? czy jest ciemnosc...
    > Jak u murzyna.
    > M. Ludwin

    Fujifilm surprises. No, they haven't exited the DSLR race yet (will
    the last couple of engineers please make sure the door is closed when
    you leave?). Another "development announcement," this time the S7 Pro
    (yes, they'll skip 6 just like they skipped 4) will be based on the
    D300 body, with a new sensor introducing Fujifilm's next breakthrough.
    But it won't ship in 2009. It might not ship in 2009 if the sensor
    doesn't work out as expected

    * I now suspect that when all the S5 Pros are gone we'll get an
    announcement about the asset sale and Fujifilm will be solely a
    compact digital camera company in the future.)
    Pozdr StaM

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