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From: "Paweł W." <p...@p...onet.pl>
Newsgroups: pl.rec.foto.cyfrowa
Subject: Re: Fuji F200EXR - test
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 19:11:57 +0100
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Paweł W. pisze:
> Mam mieszane uczucia, co do nowej matrycy Fuji. Wydaje mi się, że mimo
> wszystko rozwiązanie z większymi i mniejszymi pikselami jest lepsze.
> http://www.dcresource.com/reviews/fuji/finepix_f200e
Pokazał się test F200EXR na dpreview.
Tu cytat odnośnie DR:
Our tests seem to suggest that the F200 can, in its DR mode, capture in
excess of 10 EV - a great result even if you choose to compare this
camera to DSLR standards. You're still going to get washed-out skies and
tiny areas (such as reflections) of high-contrast images clipping to
white but, if you can live with 6MP and a minimum of ISO 200 you'll also
find fine highlight detail being retained in circumstances in which most
other cameras would simply give up.
No i jestem zawiedziony - tylko 6mpx a taki niewiele lepszy wynik w
porównaniu do S100fs. Przecież to miała być taka rewolucyjna matryca, a
jej osiągi co do dynamiki nie przekraczają osiągów "zwykłej" HR:
Using its standard settings, the S100FS behaves as we'd expect - it
can't quite compete with most DSLRs in the highlight region but shows a
pretty respectable 9.2 stops of range in total. The total range drops as
sensitivity is increased because the dark areas of the image become
increasingly noisy and are clipped by our analysis tool.
A tu o rozszerzonym trybie DR w Fuji S100fs:
A little more of the shadow detail is clipped off because of additional
noise, but essentially, DRange's main effect is to give almost exactly
two stops of extra range in the highlights. And it does exactly as
promised. In the real world the effect is most noticeable in reflective
surfaces (the transition to white is much smoother, rather than just
clipping), and in skies, where you are more likely to retain detail in
clouds. The downside is that the images become increasingly noisy,
particularly in the dark areas, but the S100FS's ISO 400 performance is
good enough to make the compromise one worth accepting.
link: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/fujifilms100fs/page1
Paweł W.
"A niektóre dzieci, jak się obrażą, to pokazują innym język. Ja też
pokazuję, ale ja wtedy mam rację". - Kasia, 4 lata,Newsweek Polska.
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