
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.pecetExpress Card <--> USB3 i eSATARe: Express Card <--> USB3 i eSATA
  • Data: 2012-02-10 17:43:52
    Temat: Re: Express Card <--> USB3 i eSATA
    Od: "Eneuel Leszek Ciszewski" <p...@c...fontem.lucida.console> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    "Eneuel Leszek Ciszewski" jh28uo$o8d$

    > Sorry, we are not available at the moment.

    Kolejne podejście...

    Oops! The page is temporarily unavailable.
    It seems the server is experiencing a temporary error.
    The most likely reasons are:
    The network is too crowded.
    The server is temporarily down.
    The operation you required is invalid.
    To proceed, you can:
    Go back to the last page you visited.
    Go to front page.
    Have a cup of coffee, and try again later.
    Sorry for the inconvenience. We will look into this problem.
    If you need further help, please contact our Customer Service Express.

    .`'.-. ._. .-.
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    o'\:/.d`|'.;. p \ ;'. . ;,,. ; . ,.. ; ;. . .;\|/....

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