
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowa60mm czy 105mm do do D300?Re: 60mm czy 105mm do do D300?
  • Data: 2009-01-04 22:25:07
    Temat: Re: 60mm czy 105mm do do D300?
    Od: Kryhu <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    de Fresz pisze:


    > A konkretniej?

    Teraz dopiero widzę że przechodząc po różnych linkach adres zostaje tan
    sam :)
    To inaczej:
    1) z lewej żółty link "Lenses"
    2) przewiń na dół do końca i fioletowy link "Special-purpose lenses
    (Macro, Micro, UV, Medical)":

    Resztę po nazwach obiektywów znajdziesz w Googlach

    albo cytat:

    "19mm f/2.8

    35mm f/4.5

    65 mm f/4.5

    120mm f/6.3

    The unique and elusive Macro-Nikkor range comprises 4 lenses made for
    the Nikon Multiphot, an advanced photomacrographic device targeted at
    the scientific lab segment. They are largely unknown to the general
    public, and people get confused by Nikon designating them as "Macro"
    lenses (which they in fact are). After all, aren't the familiar
    Micro-Nikkors also "macro" lenses? Nikon's terminology is literally
    correct, as the Macro-Nikkors only provide larger than life-size (1:1)
    magnification in contrast to the Micro-Nikkors, which ends their
    focusing range at 1:1 or 1:2 and can focus to infinity.

    The Macro-Nikkor line is similar to other offerings such as Zeiss
    Luminars or Leitz Photars in their scope and intended use. Each lens is
    optimised for a restricted range of magnifications, and together they
    cover the entire range from 1:1 up to 40:1. The optics are computed to
    yield top results at the wide-open setting, and stopping the lenses down
    only serves to increase depth of field (and diffraction effects). All
    Macro-Nikkors are excellent performers and within their specified
    magnification range will cover up to 4x5" format with ease. They are
    only single-coated, but flare generally is no problem with the Multiphot
    (used independently of the Multiphot, however, flare might be a bigger
    issue with them). "


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