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Subject: Drogo, kiepsko, LED
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit
Pare cytatow:
The Public Lighting Authority in its complaint against Leotek Electronics USA notes
that upward of 20,000 LED lights are "prematurely dimming and burning out" and
putting the city's revitalization progress "in jeopardy."
Defective LED units were either "charred, burned, or cracked," according to the
lighting authority's law firm.
Before the three-year, $185 million overhaul, about 40% of Detroit's 88,000
streetlights didn't work.
The lights were under warranty, Chakko said, and Leotek has been replacing them for
free. The original models used are no longer being manufactured, he said.
Berkeley is currently in negotiations with Leotek over how many lights will be
replaced and who will cover the labor costs.
Czyli nadal po tylu latach technologia nadal niedopracowana albo robiona bylejak.
Ciekawe jak na to patrzy ekologia. Czy takie wpadki jakkolwiek sa odnotowywane po
stronie minusow dla LED?
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 08.05.19 15:49 Grzegorz Niemirowski
- 08.05.19 15:54 s...@g...com
- 08.05.19 15:59 J.F.
- 08.05.19 17:14 s...@g...com
- 08.05.19 21:51 Irek.N.
- 08.05.19 22:02 ToMasz
- 08.05.19 22:22 Marek S
- 09.05.19 11:53 Waldemar
- 10.05.19 12:50 Queequeg
- 10.05.19 17:25 s...@g...com
- 10.05.19 22:34 Marek S
- 11.05.19 01:07 s...@g...com
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