
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaWhat are the benefits of this cascode? › What are the benefits of this cascode?
  • Data: 2017-08-26 10:52:38
    Temat: What are the benefits of this cascode?
    Od: Piotr Wyderski <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    A loopstick antenna is connected directly to a JFET preamp, which in
    turn feeds the BC546 common base stage. Despite the neat use of a normal
    coax to power the input stage and to extract the input signal, how is
    this arrangement better than just a receiver-side resistor to +12V
    or a DC coupled PNP CE stage? At 77kHz I see no obvious benefits
    (wider bandwidth, better in/out isolation) of the cascode. The drawback
    is the necessity of a high voltage power supply (which could be
    circumvented by a folded cascode).

    Best regards, Piotr

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