
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowaW Kuwejcie nie lubią lustrzanekW Kuwejcie nie lubią lustrzanek
  • From: Waldek Godel <>
    Subject: W Kuwejcie nie lubią lustrzanek
    Newsgroups: pl.rec.foto.cyfrowa
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    Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 12:16:24 +0000
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    Xref: pl.rec.foto.cyfrowa:869327
    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    We're not sure what the humble DSLR has ever done to offend the Kuwaiti
    government, but, according to the Kuwait Times, the recreational use of
    Digital Single-Lens Reflex cameras has now been outlawed in the country.
    The Ministries of Information, Social Affairs and Finance (hello, 1984!)
    have collectively decided to ban the use of the chunky shooters in public
    places, except where it can be shown that it's for journalistic purposes.
    This decision has left a lot of people scratching their heads, not least
    because every self-respecting smartphone nowadays can pump out
    screen-filling images. And then there's also the matter of determining
    where the line between compact cameras, which are still allowed, and DSLRs
    resides -- for example, is the Lumix G2 an illegal shooter just because it
    looks like one?

    Pozdrowienia, Waldek Godel
    Co to jest tradycja? Tradycja co jest coś ekstra. Chodzi o to że jak my im
    wydamy Zakajewa to oni nam muszą oddać samolot. Właśnie na zasadzie tej
    tradycji.. to stara tradycja. Jeszcze od początku.. lotnictwa. Ekstradycja.

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