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From: Marek <f...@f...com>
Newsgroups: pl.misc.elektronika
Subject: Upadający Radio Shack....
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 14:36:43 +0200
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]http://hackaday.com/2014/08/04/ask-hackaday-the-end-
Ciekawa dyskusja co może zrobić dla hobbystów (nie tylko
elektroników) popularna w USA sieć stacjonarnych sklepów diy - aby
nie upaść. Jeden z komentarzy:
I think this is the only way that RS could survive in any semblance
of what they were. I worked at the Shack twice in my life. Once back
in the late 80's and early 90's when they took pride in their
employees knowing how to do things. Certifications and training in
repair of stuff and design courses on how to build circuits from
their parts. Really a great training program and a lot of pride in
their employees. Then again, for some extra spending cash, around
2004. The change was 100% different. Absolutely 0 interest in having
an employee that could help a customer out, instead wanting only cash
register operators that could ask for your phone number and address.
Didn't make it any time that time around.
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 05.08.14 17:22 A.L.
- 05.08.14 18:09 A.L.
- 05.08.14 18:10 JK
- 05.08.14 18:15 JK
- 05.08.14 18:18 JK
- 05.08.14 18:59 Marek
- 05.08.14 19:27 A.L.
- 06.08.14 04:01 Pszemol
- 06.08.14 16:07 Luke
- 06.08.14 17:06 A.L.
- 06.08.14 17:11 Luke
- 06.08.14 17:23 A.L.
- 07.08.14 14:21 Marek
- 07.08.14 19:54 Pszemol
- 08.08.14 05:48 A.L.
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