Data: 2011-05-21 19:02:19
Temat: Summer School in Distributed Computing
Od: Pavel Serdyukov <p...@g...com> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
Yandex Summer School Series
Summer School in Distributed Computing
July 12-18, 2011, Moscow (Dolgoprudny)
Deadline for applications: 30 May 2011
The Summer School in Distributed Computing will be held on July 12-18,
2011 in Moscow (Dolgoprudny), Russia. The school is co-organized by
Yandex and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).
Yandex (http://company.yandex.com/) is the most popular web search
engine in Russia and one of the most popular search engines in the
world. MIPT (http://phystech.edu/about/aboutmipt.html) is one of the
best and world-known Russian technical universities.
The school is a part of the Yandex Summer School Series (YSSS),
started in 2010 with the Summer School in Machine Translation. The
mission of the series is to help social and professional networking
among the best young talents in the areas of Computer Science and
Software Engineering and foster collaborations between industry and
academia. The primary purpose of the school is to educate students in
different "hot" areas of the modern IT, with the help of leading
researchers and engineers from the most innovative companies and
This year's school is meant to introduce students to the concepts of
Distributed Computing and its applications to different areas, as well
as to highlight the next generation research directions.
We will also provide a set of practical problems and the
infrastructure to solve them on-site. The working languages of the
school are English and Russian.
The Summer School in Distributed Computing will offer courses on such
topics as scaling computation with MapReduce (Hadoop), computational
load balancing, distributed web search and caching of web search
We are delighted to announce the following confirmed speakers:
* Konstantin Shvachko (Principal Hadoop Architect, eBay, USA)
* Edward Bortnikov (Research Engineer, Yahoo! Labs, Israel)
* Ilya Markov (Researcher, University of Lugano, Switzerland)
* Alexander Dmitriev (Senior Software Engineer, Yandex, Moscow)
* Oleg Sukhoroslov (Senior Software Engineer, Yandex, Moscow)
The target audience of the school are undergraduate and post-graduate
students. The organizers plan to select about 70 qualified and
motivated participants.
Applications should be sent to y...@y...ru and should include a
detailed CV and examples of publications, both in PDF format.
The deadline for applications: 30 May 2011.
Please, note, that in case of the need in the letter of invitation to
apply for the Russian Visa, we will ask you to provide us with the
scan of your passport. It is strongly advised to arrange the
application for the Visa as early as possible. It might take more than
a month to get Russian visa in some cases.
The participation is completely free for selected candidates. The
organizers will provide accommodations, meals and handout materials.
We also plan to organize a few social events.
Dolgoprudny is a small campus area near Moscow (30 minutes by train),
where Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, one of the best and
well-known Russian technical universities, is located.
The university has its original system of education and training,
known as "PhysTech system", which fosters both fundamental research
and enterpreneurship. MIPT produced several Nobel Prize winners and
many successful businessmen among its graduates.
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