
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programming(announce) organic asmRe: (announce) organic asm
  • Data: 2017-08-25 19:26:18
    Temat: Re: (announce) organic asm
    Od: fir <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    dorobilem jakies reportowanie
    wynikow roboty assemblera (co jest przydatne imo)

    wyglada to mw tak ->

    Organic Assembler (org-asm) by fir 2017

    note: this is very early version with some artificial
    constraints, no error messages and only few mnemonics implemented,
    i will work on it in few days, though

    Opening: input.asm

    Code selected for assembly :

    0 ''
    1 ''
    2 'mov eax 10'
    3 'back:'
    4 'dec eax'
    5 'push eax'
    6 'push note'
    7 'call msvcrt.printf'
    8 'pop eax'
    9 'pop eax'
    10 'cmp eax 0'
    11 'jne back'
    12 ''
    13 'mov eax esp'
    14 ''
    15 'push eax'
    16 'push note2'
    17 'call msvcrt.printf'
    18 'pop eax'
    19 'pop eax'
    20 ''
    21 'push 0'
    22 'push zero'
    23 'push msg'
    24 'push 0'
    25 'call user32.MessageBoxA'
    26 ''
    27 'mov eax esp'
    28 ''
    29 'push eax'
    30 'push note2'
    31 'call msvcrt.printf'
    32 'pop eax'
    33 'pop eax'
    34 ''
    35 'push 0'
    36 'push zero'
    37 'push msg'
    38 'push 0'
    39 'call user32.MessageBoxA'
    40 ''
    41 'push 0'
    42 'call kernel32.ExitProcess'
    43 ''

    Data selected for build :

    0 ''
    1 'note: " x = %d " 10 0'
    2 'note2: " esp = %x " 10 0'
    3 ''
    4 'msg: " hello asm world ! " 0'
    5 'zero: 0'
    6 ''

    Building imports :

    printf (0x00402400)

    MessageBoxA (0x00402440)

    ExitProcess (0x00402480)

    Building data section :

    label note: (0x00403000)
    label note2: (0x0040300b)
    label msg: (0x00403017)
    label zero: (0x0040302b)

    44 (0x002c) bytes collected in data section

    Assembling asm :

    111 (0x006f) bytes assembled:

    401000 b8 0a 00 00 00 48 50 68 00 30 40 00 ff 15 00 24
    401010 40 00 58 58 3d 00 00 00 00 0f 85 e6 ff ff ff 89
    401020 e0 50 68 0b 30 40 00 ff 15 00 24 40 00 58 58 6a
    401030 00 68 2b 30 40 00 68 17 30 40 00 6a 00 ff 15 40
    401040 24 40 00 89 e0 50 68 0b 30 40 00 ff 15 00 24 40
    401050 00 58 58 6a 00 68 2b 30 40 00 68 17 30 40 00 6a
    401060 00 ff 15 40 24 40 00 6a 00 ff 15 80 24 40 00

    Saving Output: result.exe


    teraz trzebby dorobic wiecej mnemonikow, (podobnie skoki to etykiety dzialaja tylko w
    tyl ;c

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