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From: q...@t...no1 (Queequeg)
Newsgroups: pl.misc.samochody
Subject: Re: akumulator
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2018 10:29:54 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: news.chmurka.net
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]PiteR <e...@f...pl> wrote:
> "The alternator regulator also automatically adapts the battery charge
> to the ambient temperature. This is necessary because the charge
> characteristics of the car battery are not the same at -20 °C, for
> example, as they are at +30 °C. The regulator takes care of the need to
> adapt the battery charge automatically with a charging curve which is
> specified in the data sheets as a temperature coefficient."
Lidlowa ładowarka ma tryb zimowy, podbija wtedy delikatnie napięcie i
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 03.12.18 11:35 p...@g...com
- 03.12.18 11:36 Mateusz Viste
- 03.12.18 11:48 J.F.
- 03.12.18 11:52 J.F.
- 03.12.18 11:57 p...@g...com
- 03.12.18 11:59 JDX
- 03.12.18 12:31 J.F.
- 03.12.18 13:19 Queequeg
- 03.12.18 13:49 Michał Jankowski
- 03.12.18 14:07 Shrek
- 03.12.18 15:01 J.F.
- 03.12.18 15:42 PiteR
- 03.12.18 16:11 J.F.
- 03.12.18 16:30 Mateusz Viste
- 03.12.18 18:00 kk
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