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From: Konrad Anikiel <a...@g...com>
Newsgroups: pl.sci.inzynieria
Subject: Re: Starzenie metalu
Date: Sat, 7 May 2011 02:22:21 -0700 (PDT)
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]On May 6, 7:06 pm, J.F. <j...@p...onet.pl> wrote:
> Specifically, it would appear that German and Spanish Airbus
> facilities continued to use CATIA version 4, while British and French
> sites migrated to version 5.[49] This caused overall configuration
> management problems, at least in part because wiring harnesses
> manufactured using aluminium rather than copper conductors
> necessitated special design rules including non-standard dimensions
> and bend radii; these were not easily transferred between versions of
> the software.
A to przykrosc :)
Osobiscie nigdy mi sie catia nie podobala, ja jestem wyznawca proe,
czy teraz to creo. Windchill jest na solidnym oraclu, w zyciu nie
widzialem zeby tak zdurnial.
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 07.05.11 13:48 Alex Sharon
- 08.05.11 07:07 J.F.
- 09.05.11 00:20 Alex Sharon
- 09.05.11 08:14 Konrad Anikiel
- 09.05.11 08:19 lukaszPK
- 09.05.11 10:16 Alex Sharon
- 09.05.11 10:38 Konrad Anikiel
- 09.05.11 10:50 Alex Sharon
- 10.05.11 23:17 JAM
- 10.05.11 23:24 JAM
- 11.05.11 09:49 Konrad Anikiel
- 23.05.11 07:47 Krzysztof Chajęcki
- 23.05.11 20:22 J.F.
- 24.05.11 12:17 Krzysztof Chajęcki
- 24.05.11 21:01 J.F.
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