
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.sci.inzynieriaStarzenie metaluRe: Starzenie metalu
  • Data: 2011-05-07 09:22:21
    Temat: Re: Starzenie metalu
    Od: Konrad Anikiel <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On May 6, 7:06 pm, J.F. <> wrote:
    > Specifically, it would appear that German and Spanish Airbus
    > facilities continued to use CATIA version 4, while British and French
    > sites migrated to version 5.[49] This caused overall configuration
    > management problems, at least in part because wiring harnesses
    > manufactured using aluminium rather than copper conductors
    > necessitated special design rules including non-standard dimensions
    > and bend radii; these were not easily transferred between versions of
    > the software.

    A to przykrosc :)
    Osobiscie nigdy mi sie catia nie podobala, ja jestem wyznawca proe,
    czy teraz to creo. Windchill jest na solidnym oraclu, w zyciu nie
    widzialem zeby tak zdurnial.

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