
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodyRe: Siła wyższości tylnego napędu.Re: Siła wyższo?ci tylnego napędu.
  • Data: 2010-02-14 21:07:18
    Temat: Re: Siła wyższo?ci tylnego napędu.
    Od: Yans van Horn <y...@n...spam> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Robert Rędziak wrote:
    > On Sun, 14 Feb 2010 20:10:48 +0100, Kuba (aka cita)
    > <> wrote:
    >> a znasz lepszą seryjną ośke?
    > R26R. Choć do tamtych smoków wciąż trochę brakuje.

    Między RS a Meganką specjalnej różnicy nie będzie.


    PistonHeads learns that Ford Focus RS and Megane R26R are near identical
    around Nurburgring

    An early development mule of the new Ford Focus RS with between
    250-260bhp has been lapping the Nurburgring in 8min 27seconds,
    PistonHeads has learnt. The car has around 45bhp less than the
    production version and was driven by a Bentley test driver on a very hot
    A source has told us that when the full fat version arrives with 295bhp,
    and with a racing driver at the wheel, we should expect a lap time of
    8min 15sec or maybe less. We have also learnt that whereas Ford
    originally announced the RS will have 302lb ft when it is launched it
    will in fact have 324lb ft.

    Meanwhile Renault's new super-Megane, the R26R, has apparently been
    unofficially clocked around the 'Ring at 8min 12sec but that was on Toyo
    Cup tyres. The RS is understood to have been riding on totally standard
    Continentals when it did its time, and now Ford is seriously thinking
    about offering Cup tyres as a brochure option for the car.

    Marcin 'Yans' Bazarnik

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