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Subject: Re: Pszemol, sam nie wiem co jest lepsze
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Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2015 14:01:13 +0100
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]On 2015-10-26 13:54, Marek wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Oct 2015 13:28:03 +0100, "J.F."
> <j...@p...onet.pl> wrote:
>> A ktory ma ich kilka i reklamowana pojemnosc dla uzytkownika ?
> sgs2
1. To juz dosc leciwy telefon i zastosowane tam rozwiazania
niekoniecznie beda sie pokrywaly z tym co jest w nowszych telefonach
2. Tez nie jest tak, ze calosc masz do dyspozycji. Nie bede robil HR,
zeby miec dowod w rece. Znalazlem jednak takie info:
Samsung Galaxy S2 has 16gb of internal storage out of which 14gb space
is available, but not the entire available capacity is usable for apps
installation. Unlike modern smartphones like Galaxy S4, our galaxy s2
has two internal partition, known as Device Memory(about 2gb) and USB
Storage(the rest i.e. about 12gb). Device memory is the location where
apps are usually installed. USB Storage is the location where data (apps
data like those of games), user files are stored. So, even though you
might have lots of internal storage space available, you might face
storage issues during apps installation because you've just about 2gb
available for apps.
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 26.10.15 14:08 Marek
- 26.10.15 14:15 Marek
- 26.10.15 14:32 atm
- 26.10.15 14:42 Chris
- 26.10.15 15:24 atm
- 26.10.15 22:31 Pszemol
- 26.10.15 22:35 Pszemol
- 26.10.15 22:37 Pszemol
- 26.10.15 22:45 Pszemol
- 26.10.15 22:44 masti
- 26.10.15 22:47 Pszemol
- 26.10.15 23:03 atm
- 27.10.15 01:10 Pszemol
- 27.10.15 01:11 Pszemol
- 27.10.15 11:59 atm
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