Data: 2018-06-08 16:45:49
Temat: Re: Ołów
Od: Piotr Dmochowski <i...@p...onet.pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]W dniu 2018-06-08 o 12:12, s...@g...com pisze:
> Jakoś nie mogę nic sensownego wygooglać. Z ciekawości, czy ktoś z Was się orientuje
jakie było roczne światowe zużycie ołowiu w przemyśle elektronicznym przed
wprowadzeniem RoHS?
Approximately 176 million pounds of tin-lead solder was used
worldwide in 2002.
Trzeba pomnożyć przez 0,4 (tak w przybliżeniu) i mamy zgrubne
oszacowanie zużycia ołowiu do lutownaia.
Inne źródło:
uwzględnia też obudowy, farby, kable etc.
In 2000, the worldwide use of lead was around 6.2 million tons [73].
There are no worldwide data available in which applications this lead
was used. The use of lead in USA, Canada and Western Europe was around
3.2 million tons per year [73].
Use of Lead in Rechargeable Batteries
In the major Western countries, most of the lead, around 70 % [73] (2.2
million tons, "transportation" in Figure 3-4) is used in rechargeable
batteries as PbSb9 alloy with 9 % content of antimony [21], around 75 to
80 % in cars and other vehicles. The recycling of these rechargeable
batteries, however, is well established so that only a minor share of
this lead goes into the environment.
The use of lead in rechargeable batteries for vehicles is not within the
scope of the RoHS Directive.
Use of Lead in Lead Shots for Hunting
The worldwide use of lead in lead shots for hunting is around 93,000 t
[109]. These are around 3 % of the lead used in major Western countries
and 3 % of the worldwide annual lead mining, or around
1.5 % of the worldwide lead use.
Uses of Lead in the Electrical and Electronics Industry
In 1999, the major Western countries applied around 6 % or around
190,000 t of the 3.2 million tons in the electrical and electronics
industry [73].
The uses of lead in the electrical and electronics industry comprise:
? cables
? lead in plastics and ceramics
? lead in TV-Sets and monitors, and
? lead in solder alloys and surface finishes
While there are no global data accessible for the amounts and shares of
lead used in the first three applications, the use of lead in solder
alloys and surface finishes will be assessed in detail in chapter
3.2.1 on page 71. The total amount of lead used in solders and finishes
is calculated with less than 0.5 % of the total lead use, or around 1 %
of the primary lead produced from ores.
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