Data: 2018-06-08 21:32:38
Temat: Re: Ołów
Od: "J.F." <j...@p...onet.pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]Dnia Fri, 8 Jun 2018 16:45:49 +0200, Piotr Dmochowski napisaĹ(a):
> W dniu 2018-06-08 o 12:12, s...@g...com pisze:
>> JakoĹ nie mogÄ nic sensownego wygooglaÄ. Z ciekawoĹci, czy ktoĹ z Was siÄ
orientuje jakie byĹo roczne Ĺwiatowe zuĹźycie oĹowiu w przemyĹle elektronicznym
przed wprowadzeniem RoHS?
> Approximately 176 million pounds of tin-lead solder was used
> worldwide in 2002.
> Trzeba pomnoĹźyÄ przez 0,4 (tak w przybliĹźeniu) i mamy zgrubne
> oszacowanie zuĹźycia oĹowiu do lutownaia.
Czyli tak z grubsza 30 tys ton.
> Inne ĹşrĂłdĹo:
> https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid:
> uwzglÄdnia teĹź obudowy, farby, kable etc.
> In 2000, the worldwide use of lead was around 6.2 million tons [73].
> There are no worldwide data available in which applications this lead
> was used. The use of lead in USA, Canada and Western Europe was around
> 3.2 million tons per year [73].
Kropla w morzu znaczy sie.
> Use of Lead in Rechargeable Batteries
> In the major Western countries, most of the lead, around 70 % [73] (2.2
> million tons, âśtransportationâ in Figure 3-4) is used in rechargeable
> batteries as PbSb9 alloy with 9 % content of antimony [21], around 75 to
> 80 % in cars and other vehicles. The recycling of these rechargeable
> batteries, however, is well established so that only a minor share of
> this lead goes into the environment.
A wydobycie olowiu jakie bylo ?
Bo skoro recykling olowiu taki dobry, to przemysl akumulatorowy nie
powinien go potrzebowac.
Czy "use" to nowy olow, czy razem z tym z recyklingu ?
> The use of lead in rechargeable batteries for vehicles is not within the
> scope of the RoHS Directive.
> Use of Lead in Lead Shots for Hunting
> The worldwide use of lead in lead shots for hunting is around 93,000 t
> [109]. These are around 3 % of the lead used in major Western countries
> and 3 % of the worldwide annual lead mining, or around
> 1.5 % of the worldwide lead use.
> Uses of Lead in the Electrical and Electronics Industry
> In 1999, the major Western countries applied around 6 % or around
> 190,000 t of the 3.2 million tons in the electrical and electronics
> industry [73].
> The uses of lead in the electrical and electronics industry comprise:
> íŻí˛ž cables
> íŻí˛ž lead in plastics and ceramics
> íŻí˛ž lead in TV-Sets and monitors, and
> íŻí˛ž lead in solder alloys and surface finishes
> While there are no global data accessible for the amounts and shares of
> lead used in the first three applications, the use of lead in solder
> alloys and surface finishes will be assessed in detail in chapter
> 3.2.1 on page 71. The total amount of lead used in solders and finishes
> is calculated with less than 0.5 % of the total lead use, or around 1 %
> of the primary lead produced from ores.
No ale prawde mowiac - jak mi jakis maly gadzet wysiadzie, to nie mam
oporow wyrzucic go do zwyklego smietnika. Maly, malo szkodliwy :-)
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