
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.rec.foto.cyfrowaNowe cudo na CRe: Nowe cudo na C
  • Data: 2009-07-01 15:40:44
    Temat: Re: Nowe cudo na C
    Od: Kyniu <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Dnia Tue, 30 Jun 2009 23:36:34 +0200, Janko Muzykant napisał(a):

    To ja tak w kwesti formalnej do krzykaczy ze aparatem filmow sie nie kreci
    a nawet jesli juz to robia to ludzie myslacy inaczej. Poczytajcie sobie:

    "Boyle also stated that a portion of the Slumdog Millionaire was shot with
    a Canon EOS camera, especially around the Taj Mahal, rather than a proper
    movie camera which creates unwanted attention while filming at popular
    tourist locations in India."

    "I loved Slumdog Millionaire and have been hooked on A.R Rahman's
    soundtrack ever since! I've seen the film in the cinemas 3 times now:)
    An interesting thing regarding the cinematography for me was not the tired
    film vs. digital debate, but the fact that some of the footage was actually
    shot with a Canon DSLR. "



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