Data: 2021-10-04 10:28:08
Temat: Re: Niemcy na ratunek
Od: K <n...@e...com> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]On 01/10/2021 22:14, PiteR wrote:
> in <news:sj771g$aec$1$horizn@news.chmurka.net>
> user K pisze tak:
>> brexit tylko obnazyl i przyspieszyl to co bylo nieuniknione. sporo
>> kierowcow ciezarowek ma obecnie 55 lat i albo zaraz odejdzie z
>> zawodu albo juz zmienia branze, a nowych chetnych nie ma.
> lepiej zostać influłencerem
> The Treasury has denied that the shortage of HGV drivers in the UK is
> related to Brexit. Chief secretary to the Treasury, Simon Clarke, told
> the BBC's Today programme yesterday. "The difficulties we are facing
> are not unique to this country. The idea that this is somehow just a
> British problem is fundamentally wrong. There's a shortage of 400,000
> HGV drivers across Europe" he said.
> "The idea that this is about Brexit is to try and take us back into
> what is really, I'm afraid, quite a negative conversation around
> opportunities forgone when, if you look at the situation in Germany,
> if you look at the situation in Poland, if you look at the situation in
> France, they share these problems too."
> tu najlepsze
> However, the German government is understood to have not yet written to
> British people living there, asking them to consider driving an HGV
> when they have never done so before.
Wez sie go jeszcze zapytaj czemu jesli w calej Europie brakuje 400tys
kierowcow (230tys w samej Polsce i Niemczech) to nie ma problemow z
dostawa towarow czy paliwa na stacje.
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 04.10.21 10:29 K
- 04.10.21 11:01 J.F
- 04.10.21 11:15 K
- 04.10.21 11:17 Cavallino
- 04.10.21 11:44 K
- 04.10.21 12:03 ddddddddddddd
- 04.10.21 12:04 J.F
- 04.10.21 12:21 Cavallino
- 04.10.21 12:35 J.F
- 04.10.21 12:44 J.F
- 04.10.21 12:45 Cavallino
- 04.10.21 13:03 K
- 04.10.21 13:09 RadoslawF
- 04.10.21 13:14 J.F
- 04.10.21 13:21 T.
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