
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodyNiemcy na ratunekRe: Niemcy na ratunek
  • Data: 2021-10-01 23:14:47
    Temat: Re: Niemcy na ratunek
    Od: PiteR <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    in <news:sj771g$aec$1$>
    user K pisze tak:

    > brexit tylko obnazyl i przyspieszyl to co bylo nieuniknione. sporo
    > kierowcow ciezarowek ma obecnie 55 lat i albo zaraz odejdzie z
    > zawodu albo juz zmienia branze, a nowych chetnych nie ma.

    lepiej zostać influłencerem

    The Treasury has denied that the shortage of HGV drivers in the UK is
    related to Brexit. Chief secretary to the Treasury, Simon Clarke, told
    the BBC's Today programme yesterday. "The difficulties we are facing
    are not unique to this country. The idea that this is somehow just a
    British problem is fundamentally wrong. There's a shortage of 400,000
    HGV drivers across Europe" he said.

    "The idea that this is about Brexit is to try and take us back into
    what is really, I'm afraid, quite a negative conversation around
    opportunities forgone when, if you look at the situation in Germany,
    if you look at the situation in Poland, if you look at the situation in
    France, they share these problems too."

    tu najlepsze

    However, the German government is understood to have not yet written to
    British people living there, asking them to consider driving an HGV
    when they have never done so before.


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