
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaMultiplekser/sniffer/arbiter modbusRe: Multiplekser/sniffer/arbiter modbus
  • Data: 2023-04-08 09:40:29
    Temat: Re: Multiplekser/sniffer/arbiter modbus
    Od: "J.F" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    On Wed, 5 Apr 2023 22:28:10 +0200, Piotrek wrote:
    > On 05.04.2023 21:58, heby wrote:
    >> Liczyłem na jakiś ... powiedzmy ... gotowiec z 3 dziurkami RS485,
    >> obsługujący 2 masterów i 1 slave. Chyba nie jestem jedyny na świecie z
    >> takim pomysłem ;)
    > GPT twierdzi, że nie ma ;-)
    > "[...]
    > Unfortunately, there are no known open-source projects that implement a
    > two-master, one-slave Modbus architecture. However, you can start with
    > existing Modbus libraries (e.g., libmodbus, FreeModbus) and modify them
    > according to the outlined approach to develop your custom solution."
    > ale przyciśnięty do muru
    > Are you sure there is no such open source project?
    > zaczął programować w Python. LOL

    Moze od razu poprosic o kod na wybrany uC ? :-)

    > "I apologize if my previous response may have been unclear. While it is
    > challenging to be aware of every single open-source project available,
    > to the best of my knowledge (as of the knowledge cutoff in September
    > 2021), there was no specific open-source project that implements a
    > two-master, one-slave Modbus architecture.
    > However, you may find open-source projects that implement Modbus
    > gateways or proxies, which you could adapt to achieve the desired
    > two-master, one-slave communication. One such project is modbus-tk, a
    > Python library that allows you to create Modbus masters and slaves, and
    > it includes a TCP to Serial gateway implementation.
    > Project Repository:
    > Here's a basic example of how you can use modbus-tk to create a Modbus
    > TCP to Serial gateway:
    > python
    > import modbus_tk
    > import modbus_tk.defines as cst
    > from modbus_tk import modbus_tcp
    > from modbus_tk import modbus_rtu
    > def main():
    > # Configure Modbus RTU master
    > master_rtu = modbus_rtu.RtuMaster(
    > modbus_tk.utils.create_serial_handler(port="/dev/tty
    > )
    > master_rtu.set_timeout(5.0)
    > master_rtu.set_verbose(True)
    > # Configure Modbus TCP server
    > server_tcp = modbus_tcp.TcpServer(address="", port=502)
    > server_tcp.start()
    > # Main loop to process Modbus TCP requests and forward them to
    > Modbus RTU
    > while True:
    > try:
    > request = server_tcp.get_request(blocking=True)
    > if request is not None:
    > response = master_rtu.execute(
    > request.slave_id,
    > request.function_code,
    > request.starting_address,
    > request.quantity_of_x,
    > request.output_value,
    > )
    > request.set_response(response)
    > except modbus_tk.modbus.ModbusError as exc:
    > print("Error processing request:", str(exc))
    > if __name__ == "__main__":
    > main()
    > This example creates a Modbus TCP server that forwards incoming requests
    > to a Modbus RTU master. You could extend this example to support two
    > Modbus TCP masters and manage the communication with the single Modbus
    > RTU slave.

    I to jest przykład z powyzszego archiwum, czy GPT napisal sam ?

    > Please note that this example uses Python, and you would need to adapt
    > the code to your specific requirements, such as handling communication
    > conflicts between the two masters."
    > P.


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