
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaKombatanckie wspomnieniaRe: Kombatanckie wspomnienia
  • Data: 2013-11-13 02:47:32
    Temat: Re: Kombatanckie wspomnienia
    Od: A.L. <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    On Wed, 13 Nov 2013 01:58:20 +0100, "ACMM-033" <>

    >OK, kapię.
    >Chyba zaczya mi się to powoli składać w całość - obecnie skłaniam się, ze to
    >może być najbardziej podobne do systemu satelitów radio-i-tele-dyfuzyjnych w
    >Rosji (czy byłym ZSRR), i/lub do systemu Inmarsat. Firma jest dość
    >tajemnicza co do szczegółów, więc konkretów pozostaje mi się domyślać.

    Mylisz sie. Poza tym, informacji jest od cholery

    XM Radio uses two Boeing HS 702 satellites, appropriately nicknamed
    "Rock" and "Roll," and two BSS 702 satellites it calls "Rhythm" and
    "Blues," placed in parallel geostationary orbit, two at 85 degrees
    west longitude and the other two at 115 degrees west longitude.
    Geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) is about 22,223 miles (35,764 km)
    above Earth, and is the type of orbit most commonly used for
    communications satellites. The first XM satellite, "Rock," was
    launched on March 18, 2001, with "Roll" following on May 8 of the same
    year. A design flaw in the HS 702 satellite caused its solar panels to
    function inefficiently. XM launched "Rhythm" on February 28, 2005, and
    "Blues" on October 30, 2006, to replace the older satellites. Then XM
    Radio powered down "Rock" and "Roll." The older satellites remain in
    orbit and can serve as backups, if necessary.

    These satellites are among the most powerful ordered to date. Each is
    designed to provide 18 kilowatts of total power at beginning of life.
    To generate such high power, the two solar wings employ five panels
    each of high-efficiency, dual-junction gallium arsenide solar cells.
    To provide 15 years' service, the BSS-702 carries the flight-proven
    xenon ion propulsion system (XIPS) for all on-orbit maneuvering.
    Alcatel Espace of Toulouse, France, will provide the high-power,
    S-band, Digital Audio Radio Service payload.

    XM 1 and 2 suffer from a generic failure of the early BSS-702 model:
    the fogging of the concentrator mirrors on the solar arrays leads to
    reduced available power.

    XM provides digital programming directly from three high-powered
    satellites in geostationary orbit above the equator. XM-1 ("Roll") and
    XM-2 ("Rock") are co-located at 115° west longitude and XM-3
    ("Rhythm") is located 85° west longitude in addition to a network of
    ground-based repeaters. The combination of the three satellites and a
    series of ground-based repeaters ensure uninterrupted coverage
    throughout all of continental North America.


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