
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingDavid West: OOP is DeadRe: David West: OOP is Dead
  • Data: 2014-03-04 13:37:47
    Temat: Re: David West: OOP is Dead
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    W dniu niedziela, 23 lutego 2014 11:45:08 UTC+1 użytkownik Roman W napisał:
    > On Sat, 22 Feb 2014 01:47:32 -0800 (PST),
    > wrote:
    > > Understanding the principles is not essential
    > > for an introduction to the subject matter anymore,
    > > it matters more that you can develop a mental map
    > > of systems and make things work for you which is
    > > what dealing with the robots in 6.01 will make you do.
    > To brzmi tak jakby po prostu postanowili obniżyć studentom
    > poprzeczkę. SICP transit gloria mundi.

    To są ludzie od edukacji, i oni raczej nie rozumują w kategoriach poprzeczek, tylko
    przydatności wiedzy. W materiałach do kursu 6.01 widziałem rozdziały w całości
    poświęcone teorii obwodów albo analizie sygnałów, nie mające nic wspólnego z
    programowaniem w Pythonie. Znalazłem jeszcze wywiad Petera Seibela z Halem Abelsonem
    [1], który to potwierdza i w którym jest na ten temat nieco więcej:

    Seibel: You were involved in the revision to the MIT core computer science
    curriculum, a few years ago, which replaced 6.001 with 6.01. In the Lisp world people
    are like, "Oh, they're switching from Scheme to Python. The sky is falling."
    Abelson: Well, that's all superficial. The main thing is 6.01 is not a course about
    programming. It's not a course about software. It's not even a course about
    computers. The main change was that we said the first course in the department should
    be a much broader course about what's going on in the department. That's hard for the
    programming people to understand.
    6.001 was really a course in software. It's how you think about software, how you
    think about programming. In the new department structure, 6.01 is specifically not
    that and it's not that intentionally.[...]


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